December, 4 2018 Pflegeplatzmanager GmbH closes financing round

With bm|t as lead investor along with the MBG Thürin­gen and pri­vate investor Torsten Pfeifer, CEO of Treuen­burg Group, Pflege­platz­man­ager GmbH raised a seven-fig­ure invest­ment round. Pflege­platz­man­ager GmbH is a web-based soft­ware solu­tion focused on improv­ing the cur­rently time-con­sum­ing process of releas­ing patients from hos­pi­tals and find­ing the appro­pri­ate nurs­ing care cen­ter. The com­pany was founded by Alexan­der Bauch and Chris Schiller, both hav­ing pre­vi­ously been man­ag­ing direc­tors of nurs­ing care cen­ters and hav­ing expe­ri­enced first­hand the dif­fi­cul­ties and frus­tra­tions of appro­pri­ate nurs­ing patient place­ment. With the Pflege­platz­man­ager plat­form it is now pos­si­ble to put patients and their spe­cific needs at the cen­ter of the process and to stream­line the entire place­ment pro­ce­dure while dra­mat­i­cally increas­ing the trans­parency for all par­ties. The solu­tion not only improves the patient´s expe­ri­ence, but has also been designed with the inter­ests of the hos­pi­tals, nurs­ing care cen­ters, and con­nected par­ties in mind. Pflege­platz­man­ager GmbH won the Thürin­gen Inno­va­tion Prize in the cat­e­gory „spe­cial prize for young com­pa­nies“ in 2018. The com­pany already has 10 hos­pi­tals and 152 nurs­ing care cen­ters using the plat­form and expects a mas­sive increase in 2019 as it rolls out its solu­tion broadly in Ger­many. We are delighted to be invest­ing in the full-scale roll­out in Ger­many and the fur­ther devel­op­ment of the plat­form. The founders have proven their abil­ity to quickly move from con­cept to well-func­tion­ing busi­ness in a short time, and we strongly believe Pflege­platz­man­ager is posi­tioned to become the mar­ket leader in this seg­ment,” said Kevin Reeder, CEO of bm|t. With the inno­v­a­tive util­ity of the soft­ware we see strong poten­tial to greatly reduce the admin­is­tra­tive bur­den that hos­pi­tals and nurs­ing care cen­ters expe­ri­ence in search­ing for appro­pri­ate patient place­ment options. With our invest­ment, Pflege­platz­man­ager GmbH has secured a strong financ­ing for its growth plans,” said Ste­fan Schnei­der, CEO of MBG Thürin­gen. Torsten Pfeifer, CEO of Treuen­burg Group is also con­vinced by the com­pany and plat­form: “Pflegeplatzmanager´s con­cept is exem­plary. It is pleas­ing to invest in a solu­tion that greatly improves the qual­ity of life of peo­ple in need of care.”
Press con­tact
Chris Schiller Pflege­platz­man­ager GmbH +49 160/ 90358575

About bm|t

bm|t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh cur­rently man­ages eight invest­ment funds with a vol­ume of 320 Mio. EUR. As the uni­ver­sal invest­ment com­pany for the fed­eral state of Thuringia, bm|t invests in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies across all sec­tors and stages, from seed invest­ments in star­tups to growth equity and mez­za­nine fund­ing for estab­lished com­pa­nies to suc­ces­sion invest­ments such as MBOs and MBIs. The company´s mis­sion is to strengthen Thuringia´s econ­omy while gen­er­at­ing pos­i­tive invest­ment results through tar­geted invest­ments in inno­v­a­tive growth com­pa­nies with high poten­tial. In addi­tion to cap­i­tal, bm|t brings a wealth of expe­ri­ence and a strong net­work to its investee-part­ners.‑

About the MBG

The MBG Thürin­gen finances small and mid-sized com­pa­nies across var­i­ous sec­tors with equity and mez­za­nine invest­ments. The MBG is a strong and reli­able part­ner for the inno­v­a­tive and growth-ori­ented Mit­tel­stand in Thürin­gen.

About Treuenburg Group

The Treuen­burg Group is an owner-oper­ated real estate and ven­ture invest­ment com­pany with head­quar­ters in Erfurt, Ger­many. In addi­tion to real estate invest­ments in mid­dle Ger­many, Treuen­burg man­ages a port­fo­lio of inno­v­a­tive young com­pa­nies. Its focus lies on Fin­tech, Real Estate Inno­va­tion, and Aging Pop­u­la­tion.