May, 3 2022 Coachwhisperer, the first live communication and monitoring system for sports, announces a seed investment led by bm|t

Coach­whis­perer GmbH, which devel­ops an all-in-one solu­tion for train­ing opti­miza­tion in sports, has closed a seven-fig­ure seed fund­ing to accel­er­ate its growth.

Coach­whis­perer GmbH offers the world’s first live com­mu­ni­ca­tion and mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem for coaches and ath­letes, con­sist­ing of an inno­v­a­tive com­bi­na­tion of hard­ware and soft­ware. Poor com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­di­tions on the pitch, not enough time to address the indi­vid­ual needs of ath­letes and, above all, fre­quent absences due to injuries caused by exces­sive train­ing: the Coach­whis­perer sys­tem addresses all these chal­lenges in every­day train­ing. With the Coach­whis­perer Hear­able, which ath­letes wear in one ear dur­ing train­ing, coaches can com­mu­ni­cate feed­back directly and dis­creetly with indi­vid­ual play­ers, a self-selected group, or the entire team via the “coach app.” With the Coach­whis­perer inter­com sys­tem, the time that was pre­vi­ously lost due to train­ing inter­rup­tions can now ben­e­fit the team and the train­ing. As a result, ath­letes can receive much bet­ter indi­vid­ual guid­ance and support.

The Hear­able also mea­sures impor­tant vital para­me­ters such as the play­ers heart rate and the blood oxy­gen sat­u­ra­tion via a pho­to­di­ode in the ear. This enables the coach to mon­i­tor his ath­letes’ indi­vid­ual stress zones dur­ing train­ing. Coach­whis­perer can mea­sure vital signs much more accu­rately via the ear than other com­mon meth­ods, such as mon­i­tor­ing via smart­watches or chest belts. Addi­tion­ally, it does not inter­fere with the ath­letes’ move­ments and does not impede them in prac­tic­ing their sport.

The Coach app sup­ports coaches with numer­ous tools that have been tested in prac­tice. Among other things, a train­ing cat­a­log of over 1,000 exer­cises and the inte­grated oppo­nent sim­u­la­tion pro­vide the opti­mal basis for prepar­ing train­ing sessions.

Philipp Zacher, co-founder, and CEO of Coach­whis­perer:  “Our mis­sion is to be the most attrac­tive solu­tion in sports that opti­mally cov­ers every cus­tomer need in one prod­uct: live com­mu­ni­ca­tion, live mon­i­tor­ing and train­ing opti­miza­tion. United by our goal to take train­ing to the next level and help ath­letes and coaches reach their true poten­tial, we as the Coach­whis­perer team have made our vision a real­ity over the past 5 years. I am very proud of this suc­cess­ful fund­ing round and look for­ward to the next steps with Coachwhisperer!”

Sebas­t­ian Kned­lik, Senior Invest­ment Man­ager at bm|t:  “The Coach­whis­perer team con­vinced the investors with its dynam­ics and clever prod­uct. The intel­li­gent solu­tion is the result of many years knowl­edge in sports med­i­cine and the most advanced train­ing method­ol­ogy. It enables ath­letes to turn tal­ent and hard work into per­for­mance and suc­cess more effi­ciently. We see our com­mit­ment not only as a sports tech invest­ment but will also address other mar­kets beyond sports in the medium term.”

Julien Then, co-founder and man­ag­ing direc­tor of Coach­whis­perer:  “With the help of the invest­ment, we will soon be able to bring our tech­nol­ogy to mar­ket in time for the World Cup. This will lay the foun­da­tion for our expan­sion beyond soc­cer into other sports. We are look­ing for­ward to really tak­ing off now!”