June, 29 2023 Thuringia based WEINERT Industries acquires CBI Electric Telecom Cables (Pty) Ltd in South Africa

WEINERT has entered into an agree­ment with both ATC (Pty) Ltd and Pow­ertech Tele­com Cables (Pty) Ltd to acquire CBI Elec­tric Tele­com Cables (Pty) Ltd in Brits, North West Province, South Africa. The acqui­si­tion, sub­ject to var­i­ous approvals is expected to reach com­ple­tion within the third quar­ter of 2023.

CBIs’ exten­sive expe­ri­ence in the pro­duc­tion of sig­nal­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tion cop­per cables as well as fiber optic cables make it a per­fect exten­sion for the expan­sion of the WEINERT group’s capa­bil­i­ties and capac­i­ties; as well as a strate­gic entry into the African mar­ket for WEINERT.

The exten­sion of oper­a­tions that this acqui­si­tion allows – with its facil­ity of over 300 employ­ees- forms a key pil­lar of WEIN­ERTs’ long-term growth strat­egy. WEINERT will be able to lever­age its exten­sive expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge­able staff to fur­ther engage with and deliver on the engi­neer­ing and oper­a­tional demands from its world­wide busi­nesses and cus­tomers. With the South African unem­ploy­ment rate hov­er­ing around 30%, WEIN­ERTs’ invest­ment is not only an eco­nomic deci­sion, but also a social respon­si­bil­ity for us as a fam­ily owned enter­prise. To fur­ther con­firm our com­mit­ment to South Africa — which will become WEIN­ERTs largest pro­duc­tion facil­ity out­side of Ger­many. WEINERT com­mits to uphold a Level 2 B‑BBEE (Broad-Based Black Eco­nomic Empow­er­ment) struc­ture in this acqui­si­tion to do our part in address­ing social eco­nomic chal­lenges, sup­port­ing trans­for­ma­tion as well as other gov­ern­ment poli­cies within the country.

The expected tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments and data rate increase on the African con­ti­nent make it an excit­ing, rapidly expand­ing and largely untapped mar­ket for qual­ity spe­cial cables and state of the art opti­cal and fiber optic solu­tion. Both of these will be required in the increas­ingly com­plex and demand­ing appli­ca­tions planned in this region. The expan­sion of the WEINERT group into Africa not only presents an oppor­tu­nity to extend our ser­vices and prod­ucts through­out the world but also estab­lishes us as a mar­ket leader on the con­ti­nent in terms of knowl­edge, exper­tise and capa­bil­ity. We look for­ward not only to the bro­ker­age of new part­ner­ships from this ven­ture and the oppor­tu­nity to tackle new and tech­ni­cally chal­leng­ing applications.


WEINERT Indus­tries is a lead­ing, fam­ily owned, provider of ultra­pure fused sil­ica, pre­forms, and rods, as well as opti­cal fibers, cables, assem­blies, and spe­cial com­po­nents. We see pho­ton­ics as an enabling tech­nol­ogy for our cus­tomers’ ideas and prob­lem-solv­ing solu­tions. Whether stan­dard­ized with cor­re­spond­ing regional approvals or spe­cific and entirely novel approaches to prob­lem-solv­ing, we pro­vide you with com­pe­tent, pro­fes­sional sup­port. In doing so, we offer a unique prod­uct port­fo­lio at every stage along the value chain: from ultra­pure fused sil­ica to pre­form and the drawn fibers through to cop­per, hybrid and fiber opti­cal cables and com­plete fiber optic sys­tems with opti­cal com­po­nents that we have devel­oped in-house. Along this value chain, we can adjust and opti­mize many fac­tors inde­pen­dently accord­ing to your require­ments with­out need­ing sup­port from exter­nal part­ners. With our facil­i­ties in Ger­many, USA, China, South Africa, Sin­ga­pore & Hong Kong we can ser­vice you globally.

