#IDT22 elevator pitches

June 14, 2022

The com­pany deploys state-of-the-art bio-ana­lyt­ics in food pro­duc­tion. This includes the detec­tion of pathogens and germs in the prod­uct and the opti­miza­tion of biore­ac­tors in the pro­duc­tion of food and other nutri­ents and active ingredients.
The com­pany devel­ops and pro­duces wire­less, con­duc­tive elec­tric street charg­ing sys­tems (ERS) that enable spon­ta­neous, intel­li­gent and auto­mated charg­ing of elec­tric vehicles.
The com­pany is devel­op­ing an autonomous, mul­ti­func­tional ware­house. Thanks to the sim­ple mod­u­lar prin­ci­ple, both small and large ware­houses can be auto­mated eas­ily and flexibly.
The com­pany offers a plug&produce-solution for increas­ing effi­ciency and sav­ing resources in mod­u­lar chemical/pharmaceutical process plants.
The com­pany devel­ops prod­ucts for surgery to enhance the qual­ity of min­i­mally inva­sive pro­ce­dures and sup­port sur­gi­cal deci­sion-mak­ing. These sys­tems can be used with both new and exist­ing instru­ments in surgery.
The com­pany has devel­oped a soft­ware plat­form that, as a dig­i­tal thread, cap­tures and inter­prets machine data from mod­ern man­u­fac­tur­ing sys­tems and cre­ates a user-spe­cific dig­i­tal twin. This makes it pos­si­ble to work more effi­ciently, opti­mize processes and increase quality.
The com­pany is devel­op­ing AI-sup­ported soft­ware for mate­r­ial analy­sis to deter­mine the nature and qual­ity of mate­ri­als more pre­cisely, more eas­ily and more quickly. The soft­ware promises a more tar­geted devel­op­ment of new materials.
The com­pany enables indus­trial data use across com­pany bound­aries with­out data access to indus­trial com­pa­nies. This makes it pos­si­ble to cre­ate syn­er­gies for effi­ciency and sustainability.
The com­pany is build­ing a plat­form to make ther­a­pies automat­able, safe and more patient-friendly and to be able to con­trol them dig­i­tally. This leads to an improve­ment in patient safety and thus also enables new appli­ca­tions in telemedicine.
The com­pany has devel­oped a data pro­tec­tion-com­pli­ant plat­form that enables schools and com­pa­nies to make infor­ma­tion avail­able for a vari­ety of pur­poses. The data-sav­ing solu­tion makes it pos­si­ble to sup­port dis­tance and face-to-face teach­ing as well as project organisation.
The com­pany cre­ates a plat­form that helps AI devel­op­ers and physi­cians to advance med­ical solu­tions and bring them to mar­ket. In addi­tion, algo­rithms have been devel­oped that detect can­cer more effi­ciently by per­son­al­iz­ing the diag­nos­tic process and incor­po­rat­ing all infor­ma­tion, includ­ing the patient’s risk index, into sta­tis­ti­cal calculations.
The com­pany is devel­op­ing an enrol­ment device that enables the con­tact­less enrol­ment of bio­met­ric fea­tures. The cap­tures are com­pat­i­ble with exist­ing fin­ger­print data­bases of con­tact-based methods.
The company’s online plat­form can sup­port plan­ners and pub­lic insti­tu­tions in site analy­sis. It auto­mat­i­cally col­lects spa­tial data from dif­fer­ent sources, analy­ses and visu­alises them. The effi­cient method can reduce costs and save resources.
The com­pany has devel­oped an app and match­ing hard­ware that allows table ten­nis play­ers to con­nect, analyse games and mea­sure progress. In addi­tion, com­pa­nies can place adver­tise­ments via the app and tar­get athletes.
The com­pany has devel­oped a min­i­mally inva­sive endo­scope with which regions of the body that are dif­fi­cult to access can be observed with sub­cel­lu­lar res­o­lu­tion. The sur­round­ing tis­sue is spared in the process. This makes it pos­si­ble, for exam­ple, to con­duct stud­ies on the liv­ing brain and to gain fur­ther insights, e.g. in Alzheimer’s research.
The com­pany has devel­oped a pro­to­type of a mul­ti­plex PCR-ana­logue rapid test chip for the detec­tion of res­pi­ra­tory dis­eases. The accu­racy of the result is equiv­a­lent to that of a PCR lab­o­ra­tory test, but can be done within 25 min­utes. The pro­ce­dure is very sim­ple and requires no addi­tional equip­ment or trained personnel.
The com­pany has devel­oped microchips that are a com­pact com­bi­na­tion of elec­tronic (data analy­sis), pho­tonic (data recog­ni­tion) and bio­log­i­cal (ana­lyte) envi­ron­ments. This enables on-site analy­sis and the tran­si­tion from a lab-on-chip to a real lab-in-app solution.
The com­pany has devel­oped an inno­v­a­tive reac­tor that effi­ciently and cost-effec­tively con­verts CO2, hydro­gen and renew­able elec­tri­cal energy into e‑fuels using cold plasma and a catalyst.
The com­pany has devel­oped multi-inte­grated ERP soft­ware focused on the hos­pi­tal­ity indus­try. Real-time reports are said to enable quick and bet­ter decisions.
The com­pany has devel­oped a vir­tual queu­ing sys­tem that allows peo­ple to join the queue from any­where. This is designed to help com­pa­nies and insti­tu­tions improve their cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, build brand loy­alty and cre­ate new rev­enue streams.