GGC GmbH devel­ops, mar­kets and pro­duces ultra-light gyro­copters* and estab­lishes the brand ‘Rotor­vox’ for this pur­pose. GGC sets new stan­dards in aero­dy­nam­ics, ergonom­ics, com­fort, design, hap­tics, qual­ity of work­man­ship and usabil­ity. * Gyro­copters, also called gyro­copters, belong to the fam­ily of ultra-light air­craft. They are sim­i­lar in appear­ance to small heli­copters, but dif­fer from them in their fun­da­men­tally dif­fer­ent propul­sion and lift prin­ci­ples, which in appli­ca­tion offer con­sid­er­able cost and safety advantages.