November, 9 2017 bm|t investment inflaRx from Jena goes public on the US stock exchange NASDAQ

Thuringia-based biotech com­pany inflaRx (NASDAQ: IFRX) suc­cess­fully com­pleted its ini­tial pub­lic offer­ing on the US tech­nol­ogy exchange Nas­daq yes­ter­day, rais­ing around $100 million.

The com­pany placed 6,667,000 com­mon shares at $15 each yes­ter­day, rais­ing gross pro­ceeds of approx­i­mately $100 mil­lion. In addi­tion, the under­writ­ers have the option to pur­chase an addi­tional 1,000,050 shares at the issue price via an over-allot­ment option over a 30-day period. JP Mor­gan, BMO Cap­i­tal Mar­kets and Leerink Part­ners acted as book-run­ning managers.

InflaRx spe­cialises in the devel­op­ment of first-in-class block­ers for inflam­ma­tory and autoim­mune dis­eases. The most advanced is the pro­duc­tion cadi­date IFX‑1 against sweat gland abscess (hidradeni­tis sup­purtiva). In the prod­uct pipeline are active sub­stances against other chronic and autoim­mune diseases.

The bm|t con­grat­u­lates the team around Dr. Niels Riede­mann on this great suc­cess. We are very proud to have accom­pa­nied the com­pany as an investor since day one and thus to have made another Thuringian suc­cess story possible.
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion:–2017