August, 21 2017 The next generation of blood pressure measurement: bm|t invests in Redwave Medical GmbH via the Thuringian Start-up Fund (TSF).

Erfurt/Jena: Red­wave Med­ical GmbH, based in Jena, Ger­many, devel­ops and dis­trib­utes a new type of algo­rithm for blood pres­sure mea­sur­ing devices for fast, inex­pen­sive and sim­ple deter­mi­na­tion of the cen­tral blood pres­sure and for check­ing the over­all arte­r­ial sta­tus. Due to its patented mea­sure­ment tech­nol­ogy, the Red­wave algo­rithm is suit­able for the first time for use in home blood pres­sure mon­i­tors and is expected to rev­o­lu­tionise indi­vid­ual health monitoring.
Recently, the four-mem­ber found­ing team was able to close the seed financ­ing round and in this con­text was able to win the Thüringer Auf­baubank sub­sidiary bm|t (bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh) as lead investor and the expe­ri­enced ser­ial entre­pre­neur Dr. Ger­hard Scheuch as co-investor.

Why central blood pressure?

For years, hyper­ten­sion patients have been mea­sur­ing their own blood pres­sure at home as part of their ther­apy. This is done with devices on the upper arm or wrist, which gives the blood pres­sure val­ues in the arm. How­ever, cur­rent stud­ies show that cen­tral blood pres­sure (in the aorta) is much more suit­able for guid­ing prog­no­sis and ther­apy. This cen­tral blood pres­sure directly affects impor­tant organs such as the heart, kid­neys or brain and is thus respon­si­ble for the risk of heart attack or stroke. Experts already rec­om­mend that high blood pres­sure ther­apy be geared to cen­tral blood pres­sure. How­ever, there is cur­rently no way for patients to reli­ably mea­sure these val­ues them­selves at home. Red­wave finally makes it pos­si­ble to deter­mine cen­tral blood pres­sure and other health-rel­e­vant val­ues from the famil­iar cuff mea­sure­ment on the arm.

How was Redwave able to convince the investors?

The founders are con­vinc­ing with their exten­sive pro­fes­sional expe­ri­ence in the field of med­ical tech­nol­ogy, espe­cially pulse wave analy­sis. The tech­ni­cal, med­ical and com­mer­cial com­pe­tences com­ple­ment each other per­fectly in the team and are based on many years of coop­er­a­tion. In addi­tion, a pro­to­type of the algo­rithm is already avail­able and the inno­v­a­tive con­tent as well as the poten­tial for suc­cess have already been con­firmed in ini­tial dis­cus­sions with customers.

About Redwave Medical GmbH:

Red­wave Med­ical GmbH was founded on 05 May 2017 and spe­cialises in biosig­nal analy­sis and med­ical algo­rithms. Cur­rently, the com­pany is devel­op­ing the first algo­rithm for blood pres­sure cuffs that enables the deter­mi­na­tion of cen­tral blood pres­sure (in the aorta) and the ver­i­fi­ca­tion of the entire arte­r­ial sta­tus at home.

About bm|t

bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh, based in Erfurt, is a sub­sidiary of the Thüringer Auf­baubank and one of the first addresses for invest­ments in Thuringia. bm|t cur­rently man­ages eight funds with a total vol­ume of around EUR 320 mil­lion, which invest in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies in almost all sec­tors and in all phases of com­pany devel­op­ment — both in the start-up and growth phases or in com­pany suc­ces­sion sit­u­a­tions. Cur­rently, around EUR 100 mil­lion is avail­able for early-stage projects, for growth com­pa­nies and for estab­lished medium-sized and large com­pa­nies in Thuringia’s SME sector.


Red­wave Med­ical GmbH
Ver­ena Dittrich
Man­ag­ing Director
Max-Steen­beck-Str. 1
07745 Jena
Phone: +49 174 91 323 63

bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen gmbh
Ste­fan Jahn
Invest­ment Manager
Gork­istraße 9
99084 Erfurt
Phone: +49 361 7447–593
E‑mail: stefan.jahn@bm‑