November, 26 2018 mi2-factory GmbH closes second financing round

  • mi2-fac­tory from Jena, Ger­many received a high six-fig­ure invest­ment from bm|t and three pri­vate investors.
  • mi2-fac­tory GmbH offers an inno­v­a­tive sil­i­con car­bide wafer dop­ing tech­nol­ogy that allows high-per­for­mance semi-con­duc­tors to enhance their char­ac­ter­is­tics. Chip man­u­fac­tur­ers can employ the tech­nol­ogy to improve per­for­mance, save costs, and allow new designs.

mi2-fac­tory will deploy the cap­i­tal to fur­ther develop and com­mer­cial­ize its pro­pri­etary fil­ter tech­nol­ogy. The cur­rent financ­ing round was also aided by BayStartUP, which recruited pri­vate investors from its net­work. “The pro­fes­sional sup­port from BayStartUP was excel­lent. mi2-fac­tory pre­sented its busi­ness at the BayStartUP Ven­ture Con­fer­ence in March in Munich and quickly won the inter­est of mul­ti­ple investors,” said Friedrich Hecker, one of the pri­vate investors involved in this invest­ment round. After attract­ing investors for its first invest­ment round at the Investor Days Thürin­gen event, in this financ­ing round mi-2-fac­tory was able to also attract the inter­est of inter­na­tional investors – includ­ing high inter­est from China. “In the end the increas­ing trust from our cur­rent investors, the invest­ment con­di­tions, and time hori­zon were the decid­ing points for our choos­ing this investor con­stel­la­tion,” said Ben­jamin Tom, busi­ness CEO and co-founder of mi2-factory.

High Potential Foundational Technology

Pre­vi­ously mi2-factory´s largest chal­lenge was attain­ing enough research projects in the large future mar­kets where our tech­nol­ogy pro­vides the great­est ben­e­fit. Now, the mar­kets are real­iz­ing the large poten­tial, and we are enter­ing many co-devel­op­ment coop­er­a­tions with large high-per­for­mance chip man­u­fac­tur­ers. We are aim­ing to estab­lish our energy fil­ter tech­nol­ogy as a foun­da­tional tech­nol­ogy in the pro­duc­tion of next gen­er­a­tion high-per­for­mance microchips,” added Flo­rian Kripen­dorf, tech­ni­cal CEO and co-founder of mi2-fac­tory. Sil­i­con car­bide will have increas­ing impor­tance in the com­ing years as appli­ca­tions for high-volt­age microchips expand. “Due to the low per­for­mance loss of sil­i­con car­bide com­pared to con­ven­tional sil­i­con, microchips made from sil­i­con car­bide will be needed in high-volt­age elec­tric grids, trains, e‑vehicles, charg­ing sta­tions, pho­to­voltaic, and wind energy appli­ca­tions,” explained Prof. Dr. Michael Rüb, strate­gic direc­tor and co-founder of mi2-fac­tory. “In addi­tion to the advan­tages of low per­for­mance loss, sil­i­con car­bide chips allow for sig­nif­i­cantly smaller mod­ules and sys­tems as is pos­si­ble with con­ven­tional sil­i­con. This reduces the vol­ume and weight required for con­vert­ing elec­tric­ity.” For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact: Ben­jamin Tom, mi2-fac­tory GmbH +49 (3641) 271 93 21   About BayStartUP BayStartUP is the Bavar­ian Startup-Net­work for founders, investors, and com­pa­nies. With the renowned Bavar­ian busi­ness plan com­pe­ti­tion, a broad coach­ing offer­ing, and Germany´s largest investor net­work, BayStartUP sup­ports star­tups to opti­mize their strat­egy, grow their com­pany, and iden­tify and attract invest­ment. BayStartUP secures qual­i­fied deal-flow for pri­vate and insti­tu­tional investors, and offers star­tups access to exclu­sive busi­ness angel meet­ings and investor con­fer­ences. Through BayStartUP founders have the chance to con­tact over 280 reg­is­tered busi­ness angels, over 100 insti­tu­tional investors and receive financ­ings from 50,000 EUR up to 6 Mio. EUR. Annu­ally, BayStartUP attracts approx­i­mately 50 Mio. EUR to star­tups, espe­cially in the early stage. About mi2-fac­tory GmbH mi2-fac­tory GmbH, founded in 2016 in Jena, Ger­many, devel­ops inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies for semi­con­duc­tors. The company´s core com­pe­tency lies in the devel­op­ment and com­mer­cial­iza­tion of energy fil­ter tech­nolo­gies– a man­u­fac­tur­ing process tech­nol­ogy for treat­ing sil­i­con car­bide chips to enhance their per­for­mance char­ac­ter­is­tics. The company´s pro­pri­etary tech­nol­ogy improves per­for­mance, reduces costs, and allows for new chip designs for highly-effi­cient wind and pho­to­voltaic energy, e‑mobility, and a wide vari­ety of other appli­ca­tions. mi2-factory´s cus­tomers include top name chip man­u­fac­tur­ers from Europe, Japan, and the USA.  About bm|t GmbH Erfurt-based, beteili­gungs­man­age­ment Thürin­gen (bm|t) – a sub­sidiary of the Thuringia Devel­op­ment Bank, is the first address for invest­ments in Thuringia, Ger­many. bm‑t cur­rently man­ages eight invest­ment funds with a total vol­ume of 320M EUR. bm‑t invests in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies with strong growth poten­tial across all sec­tors and all phases of the cor­po­rate life­cy­cle.‑