January, 5 2018 Oncgnostics reaches funding limit of € 750,000 on seedmatch ahead of schedule

oncg­nos­tics GmbH has already reached the fund­ing limit of € 750,000 on the crowd­fund­ing plat­form seed­match 39 days before the end of the cam­paign. The first fund­ing thresh­old of € 100,000 was exceeded just 2.5 hours after the start of the seed­match cam­paign on 14 Decem­ber 2017.

The com­pany is a spin-off of the Uni­ver­sity Women’s Hos­pi­tal in Jena and devel­ops — on the basis of patented epi­ge­netic mark­ers — highly reli­able mol­e­c­u­lar bio­log­i­cal tests for early detec­tion, ther­apy deci­sions and fol­low-up care in can­cer diagnostics.
The cap­i­tal raised by the crowd­in­vestors will be used to advance the posi­tion­ing and mar­ket­ing of the Gyn­Tect® prod­uct together with dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ners in the Euro­pean and North Amer­i­can mar­kets. In addi­tion, fur­ther stud­ies are to be con­ducted in order to achieve broad reim­burse­ment of Gyn­Tect® by health insur­ance companies.