December, 3 2019 neuroCare Group secures investment from bm|t to fund next growth stage

neuroCare´s mis­sion is to empower clin­i­cians with an evi­dence-based approach to inte­grate neu­ro­mod­u­la­tion tech­niques into clin­i­cal prac­tice. neu­ro­Care per­son­alises treat­ment fol­low­ing a detailed assess­ment and hence is able to achieve opti­mal indi­vid­ual out­comes employ­ing sci­en­tif­i­cally proven pro­to­cols. For exam­ple, neuroCare’s assess­ment analy­ses sleep and cir­ca­dian rhythm as much as psy­cho-diag­nos­tic, genetic and other bio­mark­ers in a truly holis­tic man­ner. This approach empow­ers clin­i­cians to pro­vide per­son­alised and med­ica­tion-free ther­apy that truly addresses the root causes by rewiring the patient’s brain with pos­i­tive emo­tional and behav­ioural pat­terns for the long term. neu­ro­Care is ver­ti­cally inte­grated, oper­at­ing its own Clin­ics as well as pro­vid­ing its tech­nolo­gies, Stan­dard Oper­at­ing Pro­ce­dures, ser­vices and edu­ca­tion to its inhouse and third party clin­ics through its Solu­tions divi­sion. Within the Solu­tions divi­sion, neu­ro­Cad­emy pro­vides Train­ing & Super­vi­sion and neu­ro­Conn pro­vides neu­ro­mod­u­la­tion tech­nol­ogy. These key build­ing blocks enable neu­ro­Care to sup­port a grow­ing net­work of clin­i­cians. The ori­gin of neuroCare’s Solu­tions divi­sion lies in neu­ro­Conn, based in Thürin­gen, Ger­many. At this loca­tion, the com­pany con­ducts its R&D in close coöper­a­tion with the Uni­ver­sity of Ilme­nau and man­u­fac­tures its core soft­ware and devices. neu­ro­Care is focused on rolling out its strong busi­ness model glob­ally by sig­nif­i­cantly increas­ing its net­work of inhouse and third party clin­ics.  The com­pany cur­rently has 16 clin­ics and is primed for rapid growth in the years to come.  Longer term the com­pany is tar­get­ing an IPO to fund its global expan­sion, and now the com­pany has signed an invest­ment agree­ment with bm|t (beteili­gungs­man­age­ment Thürin­gen), an insti­tu­tional investor. Accord­ing to this agree­ment, bm|t will become an anchor investor and help fund the next stage of the company´s growth by invest­ing up to 50% of the required cap­i­tal. Given neuroCare´s strong pres­ence in Thürin­gen, it was a nat­ural fit to add bm|t as an investor. bm|t is the pre­mier investor in the state of Thürin­gen and has a wealth of life sci­ence invest­ing expe­ri­ence, includ­ing invest­ments in mul­ti­ple pub­licly-traded health­care com­pa­nies. Kevin Reeder, bm|t´s CEO, said of the company´s invest­ment in neu­ro­Care, “We could not be more pleased to have invested in neu­ro­Care. We believe strongly in the company´s lead­er­ship and vision and see a straight-line path for the com­pany to become a global leader as a provider of high-qual­ity men­tal health and per­for­mance solu­tions.” Tom Mechter­sheimer, neuroCare´s founder and Exec­u­tive Chair, con­cluded by stat­ing that “neu­ro­Care is dri­ving the future of man­ag­ing men­tal health and cog­ni­tive per­for­mance with per­son­alised, opti­mal and mea­sur­able out­comes for every patient or client.”

About neuroCare Group

The neu­ro­Care Group (nCG) is a fast-grow­ing, ver­ti­cally-inte­grated com­pany pro­vid­ing a holis­tic and per­son­alised approach for improv­ing men­tal health and per­for­mance. By inte­grat­ing neu­ro­mod­u­la­tion tech­nol­ogy with best process and work­ing in syn­ergy with the clin­i­cians, neu­ro­Care is achiev­ing best-in-class clin­i­cal out­come for patients. nCG is employ­ing 130 peo­ple serv­ing around 1500 patients per annum in cur­rently 16 clin­ics in Aus­tralia, the Nether­lands and the USA, whilst its tech­nol­ogy solu­tions back­bone is in Germany.

About bm‑t

Erfurt-based, beteili­gungs­man­age­ment Thürin­gen (bm|t) – a sub­sidiary of the Thürin­gen Devel­op­ment Bank, is the first address for invest­ments in Thürin­gen, Ger­many.  bm|t cur­rently man­ages eight invest­ment funds with a total vol­ume of 320M EUR. bm|t invests in inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies with strong growth poten­tial across all sec­tors and all phases of the cor­po­rate lifecycle.