January, 9 2023 2022 an emboldening year for bm|t and our Investee-Partners

In 2022, bm|t’s investee part­ners secured over 90 mil­lion euros in equity and mez­za­nine cap­i­tal despite the tragic geopo­lit­i­cal and chal­leng­ing macro­eco­nomic envi­ron­ment. The invest­ments were dis­trib­uted among 32 com­pa­nies, includ­ing three new bm|t Investee part­ners. Funds man­aged by bm|t com­mit­ted approx­i­mately EUR 16 mil­lion and co-investors com­mit­ted approx­i­mately EUR 75 mil­lion. Last year, 12 bm|t Investee part­ners raised seven-fig­ure sums. In addi­tion, bm|t also real­ized two excel­lent exits in 2022, which brought in a total of approx­i­mately EUR 15 million.

“2022 was an encour­ag­ing and moti­vat­ing year for bm|t, as our Investee part­ners demon­strated excep­tional resilience, cre­ativ­ity, and in some cases, even strong growth, in what unfor­tu­nately con­tin­ues to be a chal­leng­ing envi­ron­ment,” com­mented Kevin Reeder, CEO of bm|t. Reeder con­tin­ued: “Achiev­ing this level of invest­ment in a time of mul­ti­ple crises is clear evi­dence of the strength of Thuringia’s inno­va­tion land­scape. We feel encour­aged by the results of the past year and will con­tinue to sup­port inno­va­tions in Thuringia in the future through attrac­tive invest­ments in promis­ing com­pa­nies. We at bm|t are also very grate­ful, because these results would not be pos­si­ble with­out the good coop­er­a­tion with our val­ued partners.”

Since 2017, bm|t’s Investee Part­ners have secured over EUR 600 mil­lion in equity and mez­za­nine invest­ments, with funds man­aged by bm|t con­tribut­ing over EUR 125 mil­lion and other investors con­tribut­ing over EUR 480 mil­lion. Dur­ing this period, more than 10 exits gen­er­ated total returns of over EUR 100 mil­lion with invested cap­i­tal of around EUR 28 mil­lion for the funds man­aged by bm|t. Reeder con­cluded, “Sev­eral sig­nif­i­cant and highly prof­itable exits in recent years are clear evi­dence that excel­lent invest­ment returns can be achieved here in the Free State of Thuringia, which we believe remains sur­pris­ingly under the radar of most investors.”

About bm|t:

bm‑t beteili­gungs­man­age­ment thürin­gen (bm|t), based in Erfurt, is the first port of call for ven­ture cap­i­tal invest­ments in Thuringia. bm|t cur­rently man­ages eleven invest­ment funds with a total vol­ume of 400 mil­lion euros and invests in inno­v­a­tive, high-growth com­pa­nies across all indus­tries and all phases of the cor­po­rate life cycle.
www.bm t.com