Investee Partner plazz

plazz AG

With Polario (, plazz AG has devel­oped a no-code event and com­mu­nity plat­form that can be used to real­ize live, vir­tual and hybrid events, opti­mize cor­po­rate and employee com­mu­ni­ca­tion and imple­ment dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ties.  Polario’s strengths are well thought-out archi­tec­tures, high data secu­rity stan­dards, a high-qual­ity user expe­ri­ence and high cus­tomiza­tion options. Nearly 500 b2b cus­tomers, includ­ing 15 DAX-listed com­pa­nies, use plazz solu­tions for their vir­tual and hybrid events through­out the year.