June 14/15, 2022

Spotlight on Innovation

On June 14 and 15, 2022, Investor Days Thuringia (IDT22) will return to the stage in Erfurt as a live event. At one of the largest pitch events in Ger­many, investors can get to know true invest­ment trea­sures of inno­v­a­tive com­pa­nies and found­ing teams away from the startup hotspots. In addi­tion to the pitches, the focus is on per­sonal exchange with the founder and entre­pre­neur teams and investors. The Investor Days Thuringia are an ini­tia­tive of bm|t and the Foun­da­tion for Tech­nol­ogy, Inno­va­tion and Research Thuringia (STIFT).

›› June 14

Elevator pitches 20+ pre-seed / seed companies from many industries


~ 60 startup and growth com­pa­nies from a wide range of sec­tors in the inno­va­tion arena

Award ceremony of the IDT22-Award

Sufficient time & atmosphere

for per­sonal exchange with the entre­pre­neur teams and investors Get together at the evening buffet 

June 15

Pitches from ~15 late-seed / growth companies from the following industries

AI | Big Data | Autonomous Sys­tems — Pho­ton­ics | Optics · Logis­tics · Trav­el­Tech — Cyber­se­cu­rity · Addi­tive Man­u­fac­tur­ing | New Mate­ri­als · Micro­elec­tron­ics · Mar­ket­ing Tech

Pitches from around 15 late-seed | growth companies from the following sectors

Biotech · MedTech · Diag­nos­tics · Dig­i­tal Health Chem­i­cals · AgTech · Health­Care

Exclusive investor event

Net­work­ing break­fast for investors and bm|t‑Investee part­ners only Per­sonal exchange with entre­pre­neurs and other investors 

#IDT21 in numbers

Founders, Investors, Cor­po­rates und Innovators
Start-ups and scale-ups on the pitch stage
VC investors and busi­ness angels
Com­pa­nies in the Inno­va­tion Arena

Scout­ing promis­ing deep-tech start-ups led us to Thürin­gen three years ago and we con­tinue to be impressed by the qual­ity of invest­ment opportunities.

Excep­tional tech­ni­cal tal­ent formed by strong aca­d­e­mic insti­tu­tions and com­bined with fresh, entre­pre­neur­ial spirit rep­re­sent the per­fect ingre­di­ents for an emerg­ing ecosys­tem of inter­na­tion­ally com­pet­i­tive start-ups. 

We held our first excit­ing talks at the Investor Days Thuringia. Also with investors who sup­ported us in a later seed invest­ment round. 

For us, a world has opened up at the IDT in which we have totally found our­selves. It’s incred­i­bly inspir­ing what kind of spirit there is and what kind of ideas are pre­sented there.

We always sought out con­ver­sa­tions with other founders at the IDT: What prob­lems did they face? How did they solve them? Such ques­tions could be answered for us there.