portfolio category: IT/Media


Pee­riot GmbH was founded in 2022 and devel­ops inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for net­work­ing IoT devices. Pee­riot enables IoT devices to join together in a self-orga­nized way

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With its soft­­ware-as-a-ser­vice plat­form, recare sim­pli­fies and accel­er­ates the dis­charge and trans­fer processes for hos­pi­tal patients who require fur­ther care after their hos­pi­tal stay. The

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AI-UI is chang­ing the (busi­ness) world through the use of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (AI) in many busi­ness areas. The AI-UI NoCode solu­tion empow­ers cus­tomers and partners

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Through the world’s first live com­mu­ni­ca­tion and mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem, Coach­whis­perer takes train­ing to the next level. It allows ath­letes and coaches to reach their full

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Vision2B GmbH offers a health app for chron­i­cally ill patients under the brand name “mebix”. For this pur­pose, it has pre­pared sci­en­tif­i­cally based infor­ma­tion (includ­ing

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Spleen­lab devel­ops pro­gres­sive AI-based full-stack soft­ware solu­tions for autonomous flight. This is enabled by the unique fusion of var­i­ous sen­sor tech­nolo­gies with advanced AI algorithms

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With its unique online plat­form for cre­at­ing 3D con­tent for vir­tual real­ity (VR) and aug­mented real­ity (AR), rooom is becom­ing the world leader in enterprise

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Ucan­doo man­ages the pur­chase process of a credit-financed travel book­ing on a sin­gle plat­form. The task of Ucan­doo is also to for­ward the travel information

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Pamyra.de is the only inde­pen­dent mar­ket­place for freight for­ward­ing, where ship­ping com­pa­nies can com­pare prices of 500+ freight for­warders online and book directly. In addition,

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Engin­sight offers an IT secu­rity solu­tion for SMEs that fully auto­mat­i­cally and con­tin­u­ously ana­lyzes and visu­al­izes the IT infra­struc­ture and proac­tively rec­om­mends actions and provides

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PAKETIN offers an elec­tronic lock­ing sys­tem that can be used by logis­tics providers and par­cel deliv­ery ser­vices for the stor­age and return of par­cel shipments.

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The com­pany devel­ops a cloud based soft­ware to quickly solve highly com­plex opti­mi­sa­tion and fore­cast­ing tasks using arti­fi­cial intelligence.

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jenID Solutions

jenID is a spe­cial­ist for fully auto­mated KYC (Know-Your-Customer)-software solu­tions. The com­pany serves pub­lic as well as com­mer­cial cus­tomers to ver­ify var­i­ous ID doc­u­ments quickly

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CrowdArchitects GmbH

With IROIN, Crow­dAr­chi­tects offer an online tool with unique, unin­ter­rupted track­ing tech­nol­ogy that mea­sures the prof­itabil­ity of an entire influ­encer cam­paign process. Tar­geted adver­tis­ing will

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Zeilenwert GmbH


Zeilen­wert and its sub­sidiary Libreka posi­tion them­selves as full-ser­vice providers in the mar­ket for elec­tronic books (e‑books) and have the largest range of titles worldwide,

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Q‑Sensei’s award-win­n­ing, multi-dimen­­sional index tech­nol­ogy enables analy­sis of large vol­umes of struc­tured and unstruc­tured data. The tech­nol­ogy is sig­nif­i­cantly faster and deliv­ers higher hit accuracy

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plazz entertainment AG


With Polario (https://polario.app/en), plazz AG has devel­oped a no-code event and com­mu­nity plat­form that can be used to real­ize live, vir­tual and hybrid events, optimize

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Bach Technology GmbH

Bach Technology

Bach Tech­nol­ogy is a global ser­vice provider oper­at­ing inno­v­a­tive audio and meta­data solu­tions for media, radio and the auto­mo­tive info­tain­ment indus­try under the brand ‘MusicDNA’.

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