30. Dezember 2021 bm|t Venture Insights 4/21: An Optimal Investor Mix

The estab­lish­ment of an opti­mal inves­tor mix is indeed a pro­cess rather than an achie­ved state and in many cases is never com­ple­ted, as the opti­mal inves­tor mix chan­ges as a com­pany pro­gres­ses through various deve­lo­p­men­tal pha­ses. In the early stages of a company´s deve­lo­p­ment, when the enter­prise is rapidly deve­lo­ping and fre­quently reinven­ting its­elf, it is abso­lut­ely nor­mal and usually quite healthy for the inves­tor base to evolve as well.

To achieve an opti­mal inves­tor mix, one key ingre­di­ent is having an abun­dance of inves­tors from which to sel­ect the ideal part­ners. We are con­fi­dent that our net­work of co-inves­tors and our ability to attract new inves­tors to our Inves­tee-Part­ners is a valuable asset for foun­ders and entre­pre­neurs who part­ner with us. The vast majo­rity of our funds require the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of pri­vate inves­tors on a pari-passu basis with our invest­ment, and this requi­re­ment has for­tui­tously led to the deve­lo­p­ment of a varied and powerful net­work of pri­vate co-inves­tors, inclu­ding other insti­tu­tio­nal ven­ture inves­tors, family offices, busi­ness angels, cor­po­ra­tes, etc.

Because bm|t is for­t­u­nate to have this broad and diverse set of co-inves­tors, entre­pre­neurs who part­ner with us can gain access to inves­tors who offer a healthy mix of capi­tal, expe­ri­ence, advice, addi­tio­nal net­works, resi­li­ence and ver­sa­ti­lity. We have found that a key ele­ment in main­tai­ning a healthy inves­tor mix is inclu­ding inves­tors who have diverse sources of capi­tal and vary­ing invest­ment philosophies.

While having inves­tors with dif­fe­ring under­ly­ing views or man­da­tes can be chal­len­ging and stre­nuous, it is gene­rally an advan­tage for a com­pany, espe­ci­ally when the inves­tor mix is struc­tu­red and balan­ced appro­pria­tely. For exam­ple, we believe it is extre­mely wise for entre­pre­neurs, even those who are able to attract suf­fi­ci­ent pri­vate capi­tal at an early stage, to have an intel­li­gent mix of pri­vate and public capi­tal. Importantly, these two inves­tor groups often have a low cor­re­la­tion in their access to capital.

Gene­rally, pri­vate inves­tors are less vul­nerable to regu­la­tory or poli­ti­cally-dri­ven chan­ges than public funds. Con­ver­sely, public inves­tors are less likely to reduce their invest­ment appe­tite (and in some ins­tances actually increase it) when broa­der macroe­co­no­mic chal­lenges emerge.

The Corona pan­de­mic over the past two years has, for many of our Inves­tee-Part­ners, cer­tainly demons­tra­ted the value of having public inves­tors, as bm|t was able to access addi­tio­nal capi­tal in the form of two new funds (Thü­rin­ger Zukunft­fonds & Thü­rin­ger Zukunft­fonds II) in the midst of a cri­sis period. We mana­ged these funds with a very simi­lar approach to our stan­dard funds, and were active in deploy­ing capi­tal to ensure our Inves­tee-Part­ners´ pro­mi­sing deve­lo­p­ments were not unduly com­pro­mi­sed due to the pandemic.

In fact, Q4 was a remar­kably pro­li­fic quar­ter of invest­ment acti­vity for us and cap­ped off a record-brea­king year, which we detailed in the fol­lo­wing press release:

› A record year 2021 for bm|t’s Inves­tee Partners

We look for­ward to con­ti­nuing to work with all our valued Inves­tee-Part­ners and Co-Inves­tors in the important quest of estab­li­shing an opti­mal inves­tor mix that cata­ly­zes and pro­pels busi­ness suc­cess,

Your bm|t Team
