bm|t newsletter Q3 2023

This month we are cele­bra­ting 20 years of inves­t­ing as bm|t. Not­wi­th­stan­ding many impres­sive figu­res, such as having inves­ted over 500 Mio. EUR in over 200 com­pa­nies, com­ple­ting over 500 invest­ment rounds and attrac­ting addi­tio­nal co-invest­ment of over 740 Mio. EUR, we feel like a 20-year-old in many ways: having recei­ved an excel­lent edu­ca­tion and having gai­ned valuable early expe­ri­ence, we are eager to take on the world, to advance our lear­ning, and to con­ti­nue honing our trade of ven­ture capi­tal and pri­vate equity inves­t­ing.

In this Newsletter 

Celebrating 20 Years of Investing

Even more pro­found and meaningful than the above figu­res, are the core tenets of our ope­ra­ting phi­lo­so­phy which we have deve­lo­ped over the last 20 years.

  • Respect and trust are para­mount and neces­sary for suc­cess in this busi­ness. The best way to gain respect and trust is to respect and trust our valued partners.
  • Inte­grity and trans­pa­rency in com­mu­ni­ca­tion is essen­tial for buil­ding pro­duc­tive rela­ti­onships. Clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion, even about dif­fi­cult issues, is far supe­rior to the assump­tion of impli­cit understanding.
  • Col­la­bo­ra­tion is the ideal way to suc­ceed when inves­t­ing in lon­ger-term inno­va­tions. Working coope­ra­tively tog­e­ther with mul­ti­ple part­ners can achieve suc­cess far bey­ond that which is pos­si­ble when ever­yone only prio­ri­ti­zes their own goals.

With the lear­nings of the past 20 years deeply ing­rai­ned in our expe­ri­en­ced team, we are con­fi­dent that we, and the entire Thü­rin­gen inno­va­tion eco­sys­tem are well-pre­pared for the next 20 years. We cle­arly sense that the gains of the past 20 years are cumu­la­tive, and that our entire eco­sys­tem beg­ins the next 20 years in a much stron­ger posi­tion than when bm|t initi­ally star­ted. The foun­ders with whom we work are bet­ter infor­med of their mar­kets and com­pe­ti­tive posi­tio­ning, our net­work of co-inves­tors has grown tre­men­dously and includes many repeat inves­tors in Thü­rin­gen, and all the rele­vant play­ers in Thü­rin­gen are well-groo­ved and work tog­e­ther coope­ra­tively and pro­duc­tively to sup­port our inno­va­tive companies.

Of course, this strong start­ing point does not offer com­plete pro­tec­tion against dif­fi­cul­ties, espe­ci­ally in this period of geo­po­li­ti­cal strife and incre­asing eco­no­mic chal­lenges; howe­ver, it does offer us a strong sense of pro­ven pur­pose, which we know will be instru­men­tal over time. Ven­ture capi­tal and pri­vate equity inves­t­ing are lon­ger-term endea­vors which require vision, per­spec­tive, pati­ence, and for­ti­tude. Over the long term it is these attri­bu­tes, not the pre­vai­ling tem­po­rary con­di­ti­ons, that deter­mine the out­co­mes. Our man­tra at bm|t, and we believe it applies to Thü­rin­gens entire inno­va­tion sec­tor, remains: we can have a large impact on our out­co­mes, and thus we must give our best.

As bm|t turns 20, we feel espe­ci­ally gra­teful to be able to play a cen­tral role in Thü­rin­gens inno­va­tion land­scape and are extre­mely con­fi­dent that the next 20 years will bring even more posi­tive deve­lo­p­ments to our Inves­tee-Part­ners and Co-Inves­tors and thus to inves­tors in our funds and the entire Thü­rin­gen ecosystem.

Thank you to all our valued part­ners for the ama­zing last 20 years; were loo­king for­ward to an even bet­ter next 20 with you!

Your bm|t Team

Follow-on Investments

rooom AG offers a com­plete solu­tion for 3D, Aug­men­ted Rea­lity (AR) and Vir­tual Rea­lity (VR), with which com­pa­nies and indi­vi­du­als can easily and cost-effec­tively create, edit, and pre­sent indi­vi­dual 3D models and envi­ron­ments online. With this award-win­ning solu­tion, e‑commerce shops can pre­sent their pro­ducts in 3D and Aug­men­ted Rea­lity wit­hout losing loa­ding time. In this invest­ment round rooom AG rai­sed over 17 mil­lion euros in fresh capi­tal from new inves­tors Marondo and TGFS and exis­ting inves­tors inclu­ding bm|t. This invest­ment under­lines the gro­wing importance of 3D visua­liza­ti­ons and meta­verse solu­ti­ons for cor­po­ra­tes and allows rooom AG to con­ti­nue its impres­sive growth and inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion. For more details about this breakth­rough invest­ment please read the fol­lo­wing press release: rooom AG clo­ses finan­cing round of over 17 mil­lion euros

onc­gno­stics’ Gyn­Tect test allows women who have tes­ted posi­tive for HPV to quickly gain valuable infor­ma­tion regar­ding the degree of serious­ness of their dia­gno­sis. Gyn­Tect is able to detect even early stages of the dise­ase by deter­mi­ning cer­tain DNA methy­la­tion events which are the first indi­ca­tors of can­cer deve­lo­p­ment. Ear­lier detec­tion of can­cer deve­lo­p­ment allows phy­si­ci­ans to treat pati­ents soo­ner, which can often be lifes­aving. Addi­tio­nally, and very importantly, most HPV infec­tions resolve wit­hout pro­gres­sion to cer­vical can­cer, mea­ning unneces­sary ope­ra­ti­ons, tre­at­ments, and men­tal stress can be avo­ided if it can be demons­tra­ted that an HPV infec­tion has not cau­sed DNA methy­la­tion. This mid-seven-figure invest­ment led by a Chi­nese cor­po­rate inves­tor and joi­ned by bm|t is desi­gned to acce­le­rate onc­gno­stics’ growth in inter­na­tio­nal mar­kets. For more infor­ma­tion about this important invest­ment round please read the fol­lo­wing press release: Hong Kong firm invests in Jena-based Onc­gno­stics GmbH

Coach­whispe­rer GmbH offers the world’s first live com­mu­ni­ca­tion and moni­to­ring sys­tem for coa­ches and ath­le­tes, con­sis­ting of an inno­va­tive com­bi­na­tion of hard­ware and soft­ware that allows coa­ches to seam­lessly com­mu­ni­cate with any sel­ec­tion of play­ers during live trai­ning while moni­to­ring player vital signs and sta­tis­tics. Due to the com­panyhighly-inno­va­tive weara­ble sen­sors, in many ways Coach­whispe­rer is a com­bi­na­tion of a med-tech com­pany and a sports-tech com­pany. Coach­whispe­rer will launch shortly in Euro­pean Foot­ball, where the foun­ders pos­sess an excel­lent net­work, and will then quickly expand to other sports. The com­pany recently recei­ved appr­oval for its pro­duct and this near seven-figure round, which was led by bm|t and joi­ned by busi­ness angels inclu­ding a world-class foot­bal­ler, is focu­sed on mar­ket entry.

Investor Days Thüringen 2024 – Save The Date

Fresh off a great IDT 2023, we have alre­ady set the dates for IDT 2024 and are loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming all our valued part­ners and new inves­tors that are loo­king to dis­co­ver our highly-attrac­tive invest­ment eco­sys­tem here in Thü­rin­gen. Please mark your calen­dars for the 5th and 6th of June 2024 and plan to make a rewar­ding trip to Erfurt to dis­co­ver many invest­ment gems.

If your part­ners or col­le­agues might be inte­res­ted in our regu­lar updates,
please don’t hesi­tate to share this link.